What is Surrogacy?


Being able to expand your family is a great opportunity and there are many ways to do it. Of course, there’s a natural way to conceive a child, but not all couples can have a baby through conception. This is why being able to pursue surrogacy is a great thing modern medicine provides for us – this way, many intended parents can expand their family and fulfill their dreams of having a child of their own! 

Surrogacy process begins with finding the right surrogacy agency and signing on with them. After that, your agency finds an egg or a sperm donor for you and the medical staff included in the process ensures that the match is right. If you match with the donor, the next big step begins – doctors specializing in reproduction create an embryo! 

Who is a Surrogate Mother? 

Surrogate mothers are the most genuine, selfless, and generous women who dedicate themselves and make the dream of being a parent come true to the couples who need their help. Surrogate mothers carry another couple’s child for 9 months and undergo various treatments to keep the baby healthy. They help childless couples make their lifelong dreams of being parents come true – this is why each member of our team values these heroic women and does everything in their power to make them feel valued and appreciated. 

Traditional and Gestational Surrogates

There are two types of surrogacy – traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy. 

Traditional, also called genetic, surrogacy refers to the method of family building in which a surrogate mother agrees to carry a pregnancy for intended parents and use her own eggs, which makes her a genetic parent of the baby. During traditional surrogacy, the surrogate is artificially inseminated with the sperm of the intended father or a donor. After this procedure, her egg is fertilized and the surrogate mother is genetically connected to the child. The surrogate carries the pregnancy and delivers the baby, but because she is the child’s biological mother, she must sign a legal document relinquishing her parental rights to avoid future complications with the intended parents.

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Gestational surrogacy refers to the method of family building in which the surrogate is not genetically related to the baby and acts as only the carrier of the child. In this case, the child is conceived using an embryo created in vitro, using the intended parent’s or parents’ genetic material (eggs and/or sperm) and/or the genetic material of a donor or donors. The fertilized embryo is transferred into the uterus of the surrogate, who then carries the pregnancy and delivers the baby. The surrogate mother is only responsible for the healthy development and delivery of the baby.

Who needs the help of a surrogate? 

People who need the help of a surrogate mother include: 

1. Heterosexual couples who have struggled with infertility;

2. Intended mothers who are unable to carry a child;

3. Intended parents who have a genetic defect or health condition they don’t want to pass onto the child;

4. Single intended parents who want to have a family of their own;

5. LGBTQIA+ intended parents who want to have a genetic link to the baby.

Is surrogacy legal? 

While surrogacy is a beautiful phenomenon that allows thousands of couples and singles of all statuses to have a family of their own, it’s a relatively new medical practice and still a little controversial for some people. This is why surrogacy is legal in a few countries. Of course, surrogacy laws are different in each country. Of the countries which allow surrogacy, many have residency or citizenship requirements for the intended parent(s) and/or the surrogate. In some countries, such as the United States, Canada or Australia, laws vary by state/territory.

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Where do people go for surrogacy?

Countries where surrogacy is legal include: 

  • UK
  • US (Some states) 
  • Canada (Some states)
  • Georgia
  • Ireland
  • Denmark
  • Belgium 
  • Cyprus
  • Ukraine
  • Argentina
  • Poland 

Be Parent operates in Georgia, Cyprus and Argentina – countries with the most flexible surrogacy laws and healthy environment. 

A little bit about Be parent 

Be Parent is a surrogacy agency based in Georgia which operates in Cyprus and Argentina, along with Georgia. Their team is led by a passion-driven, experienced group of individuals, dedicated to help couples of all statuses to expand their families.

Making miracles happen is their day-to-day motivation – since their team members have had their own experience with surrogacy, they value the support and the true bliss of making others’ dreams a reality. 

Years of their devoted, tireless work and effort have made more than 214 intended parents  experience the boundless joy of parenthood – their carefully tailored programs, they’ve managed to achieve a 99% success rate for those who had a baby from their first transfer, or completed at least two transfers.