Medusa Piercing

medusa piercing featured image

The fact is that lip piercings are awesome. If you plan to have a piercing that enhances your beauty, then a lip piercing is for you. But there are several types of lip piercing. Let us tell you a fashionable piercing, which is becoming increasingly popular. We are talking about Medusa Piercing, which is also called Philtrum Piercing.

A Medusa Piercing can easily be combined with other facial piercings, making it an ideal choice. Also, it is equally famous among both genders. What exactly is a Medusa Lip Piercing? Let us answer this question and tell you about this unique piercing in detail.

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What Is A Medusa Piercing

A Medusa Piercing is a perforation above the upper lip and below the nose. The area between an upper lip and nose is called Philtrum, and this is why a Medusa Piercing is also called Philtrum Piercing. It is located in the center.

Don’t confuse it with a Madonna or Monroe Piercing. A Madonna Piercing is a perforation above the upper lip on the right side, whereas a Monroe is on the left side.

The reason for the rising popularity is its uniqueness and eye-catching look. It can easily be combined with other facial piercings. You can consider combing it with a Septum or an Ashley Piercing. You can also combine it with a Double Nostril.

Do you want to know about the pros and cons of a Philtrum Piercing? Let us mentions some of those here for you.

medusa piercing

medusa piercing jewelry

philtrum piercing jewelry


What Are Some Upper Lip Piercings

There are some other upper lip piercings as well. Let us mention some of those here.

Double Medusa Piercing

Yes, you guessed right. A Double Medusa Lip Piercing has double perforation above the upper lip on the philtrum area. It is a variation of the simple Medusa Piercing and provides more room to try double labret or any jewelry combination you wish to have.

Jestrum Piercing (Vertical Medusa)

It has a perforation above the upper lip with both visible ends. The exit and entry points are visible. A is for those who want a bold rocky look. You can read more about Jestrum Piercing.

Madonna Piercing

A Madonna Piercing has a perforation above the upper lip on the right side. People generally confuse Madonna & Monroe Piercing. You can read more about it here.

See also  Monroe Piercing

Monroe Piercing

A Monroe Piercing has a perforation above the upper lip on the left side. It is just like the Madonna Piercing but on the other side of the lip. You can read more about Monroe Piercing.

Angel Bites Piercing

Angel Bites Piercing has a perforation on both sides above the upper lip symmetrically. It is basically the combination of a Madonna & Monroe Piercing. You can read more about it on Right Piercing.

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medusa and ashley piercing

medusa lip piercing

piercing medusa

Pros & Cons

Here are some of the pros and cons associated with a Medusa Piercing.


  • A Medusa Piercing gives you a catchy look. People will not be able to take their eyes off once you have it.
  • It is equally popular among both genders, and both men and women can have it.
  • The procedure is quick. Also, it requires very little time.
  • A Philtrum Piercing can easily be combined with other piercings. It enhances the beauty and gives you a new unique look.
  • There are other variations of a Medusa Piercing that you can have, i.e., Jestrum and Double Medusa.
  • The procedure includes one perforation only.


  • It is not possible to cover your Medusa Lip Piercing all the time. This is the reason that it can easily get infected. So, you must strictly follow the aftercare instructions and guidelines to reduce any chance of infection.
  • There are several risks associated with a Medusa Piercing. We have mentioned some of those below.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”Why is it called a Medusa Piercing?” answer-0=”It is believed that it was named after a Canadian hairdresser and first became popular in the mid-90s. ” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”How can I hide my Medusa Piercing?” answer-1=”You can use a bioplast barbell as your philtrum piercing jewelry. You can easily remove the visible outer end.” image-0=”” count=”1″ html=”true” css_class=””]

Procedure Of Philtrum Piercing

Now, let us tell you about the Medusa Piercing procedure. First of all, you must find a professional and experienced piercer around the area. He must have a good reputation.  Make sure that the equipment is sterilized.

The professional piercer will clean the outer area with an anti-bacterial substance. He will mark the spot with a surgical pen to give you an idea of where exactly he intends to make the perforation.

After marking, the professional piercer will hold the upper lip with a surgical clamp. He will make the perforation with a needle. Then the initial jewelry will be used to finalize the Medusa Piercing procedure.

After the procedure, you will be given some aftercare instructions and guidelines which you must follow to avoid any chance of infection.

We have added some procedure videos to give you a better idea of the procedure.

See also  Madonna Piercing

Procedure (Videos)

Pain Level Of Medusa Piercing

The fact is that each individual has a different level of pain tolerance. For someone, a lip piercing may be more painful than an ear-piercing.

On a pain scale meter from level 1 (least painful) to level 10 (most painful), a Medusa Piercing is a 4.

The fact is that lip tissue is quite sensitive, and some people may find the procedure to be more painful. But generally, you will feel a pinch during the procedure. Your lip may swell after the procedure for some days. Don’t worry about it because it is quite normal. The reason is that the human body reacts towards external objects.

What you can do is keep following aftercare instructions and guidelines to reduce the chance of any complication.

medusa piercing scar

what is medusa piercing

philtrum piercing

Healing Time & Aftercare

The healing time of a Philtrum Piercing depends mainly on two factors. One is an individual health condition, and the other is how well you have been following the aftercare instructions.

Medusa Piercing usually takes 6-10 weeks to completely heal, depending on how well you have followed the aftercare instructions.

Are you continuously thinking about the healing time? Then you must be careful throughout selecting a professional piercer to the aftercare guidelines.


  • Maintain better oral hygiene
  • Try to keep the Philtrum Piercing dry.
  • Use a soft toothbrush.
  • Rinse your mouth with a good anti-bacterial mouthwash after each meal
  • Use salt water to clean the outer side of the piercing.
  • Keep following the aftercare instructions and guidelines.
  • Select a piece of jewelry made with hypoallergenic material


  • Do not touch the Medusa Piercing without washing your hands with a good anti-bacterial handwash.
  • Avoid alcohol because it works as a blood thinner.
  • Avoid hot and spicy food items.
  • Do not use a shared spoon or cup.
  • Avoid making kissing and oral contact.
  • Do not try to remove or play with the jewelry.
  • You must not use any cream on the outer side. It may cause bacterial infection.
  • Avoid using public pools

Read About Lip Piercing Aftercare Guide

Best Aftercare Products

There are some great products for you to take care of your piercing. Let us mention some of those.

1- Urban ReLeaf Piercing SolutionHealing Sea Salts & Tea Tree AFTERCARE

  • Safely clean, disinfect and heal your new and stretched piercings
  • 100% natural
  • Safe for all skin types

2- H2Ocean Piercing Aftercare Spray – Sea Salt Solution to clean your body & oral piercings.

  • Made with natural ingredients
  • Safe for all skin types

3- Urban ReLeaf Piercing Care – Healing Sea Salts & Botanical Aftercare

  • Effective Non-iodized. Vitamin Rich. Dead Sea Salt & Botanicals
  • Safely clean, disinfect and heal your new and stretched piercings
  • 100% natural
See also  Ashley Piercing

4- NeilMed NeilCleanse – Piercing Aftercare

  • Sterile, drug-free, and preservative-free
  • No burning or stinging
  • Portable, convenient for travel or on-the-go

Cleaning Your Medusa Piercing

You must clean your piercing to avoid any chance of infection. For the inner side, you must rinse your mouth with a good anti-bacterial mouthwash after each meal. You may use salt water for gargling 2-3 times a day. It will keep your inner mouth clean. For the outer side, you must clean it with a salt liquid. You can get a premade solution from the market. You can also make it yourself by mixing non-iodized salt with warm water. Use a cotton ball to clean the outer side with this solution.

Medusa Piercing Risks

As we have mentioned earlier about several risks associated with philtrum piercing. Let us mention some of those here.

Gum & Tooth Erosion: You must be careful while selecting the jewelry. You must select the jewelry having the right size. Also, make sure that the jewelry is made with hypoallergenic material. The jewelry may keep slamming against gum & teeth, causing gum recession and tooth erosion.

Infection: As we have mentioned earlier that you cannot cover your Medusa Piercing all the time. It can easily get infected because the inner side of the perforation is affected by everything you eat. Also, you must strictly follow the aftercare instructions to reduce any chance of infection.

Swelling & Soreness: After a Medusa Piercing procedure, your lip may swell, and you may feel pain for a few days. It may cause a problem in performing your everyday tasks. Also, your lip may sore after the procedure. Minor swelling and soreness are quite normal if it lasts for a few days. If you start having excessive pain with swelling and redness, consult your doctor immediately.

medusa jewelry

fake medusa piercing

cute philtrum piercing

Best Jewelry For Philtrum Piercing

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Usually, a mini stud is preferred for a Medusa Piercing. The reason is that a mini stud looks good and does not cover a wide area.

You must use jewelry made with hypoallergenic material. Always use jewelry made with titanium, surgical steel, or gold.

You can use a ring to give it a rocky look. The ring for a Medusa Piercing is not very common.

A barbell may also be used for your philtrum piercing. Want to have some more ideas? Look at some of the images below in the images section.

How To Hide A Medusa Piercing

Want to hide your piercing? It is super simple if you wish to do so. There may be several reasons. You may want to hide it during your job at your workplace. Whatever the reason is, let us tell you how you can do it.

You can use a bioplast barbell as your philtrum piercing jewelry. You can easily remove the visible outer end. Look at the video below for a better idea.

Cost Of Medusa Lip Piercing

In the United States, it may cost around 40$ to 80$. While in the UK the cost is around £20 to £60 whereas in Europe the cost is approximately €25 to €70. Also, note that the price is just for an idea. Charges may vary due to a lot of other factors.

Experience (Videos)

Medusa Piercing Images