Dahlia Piercing

dahlia piercing

If you want to have a prominent and quite uncommon piercing, let us tell you about a lip piercing called Dahlia Piercing. It is also called Joker Bites, Dahlia bites, or Joker Piercing. Why is it called with such names? Do you get this piercing exactly on your lips? If no, then why do we call it a lip piercing? Let us tell you everything about Dahlia Piercing in detail.

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What Is A Dahlia Piercing

A Dahlia Piercing has two perforations on both sides of the lips. The perforations are made on the corner of the mouth, imitating the well-known character Joker’s scars. This is the reason it is also called Joker Piercing or Joker Bites.

The name Dahlia Piercing was named after an American woman, Black Dahlia, who was murdered in 1947. The murderer slashed the face of that woman, creating an effect known as Glasgow’s smile.

Dahlia Bites looks amazing on both genders. What are the pros & cons of Joker Bites? Should you have it? What are the risks? Let us try to give you answers to these questions.

dahlia lip piercing

dahlia lip piercings

dahlia bites piercing

dahlia piercing men

Pros & Cons

Before getting Dahlia bites, you must be aware of the pros & cons of this lip piercing. Let us mention some of those to make the decision easy for you.


  • It is an added beauty and enhances your looks when you smile.
  • Joker bites are not very common, and this makes it an ideal choice. People will not be able to take their eyes off once you have it.
  • You can easily combine a Dahlia piercing with other facial piercings like Septum or Medusa. You can also have other piercings of your choice.
  • It is a fantastic way to express your personality. This makes it famous among both genders.
See also  Labret Piercing


  • You get multiple perforations in a Joker Piercing. This makes the procedure more painful. To make the procedure less painful, you can always go for one perforation and come back later for the other one.
  • You may find it difficult while following the aftercare instructions. You will have to change your everyday routine.
  • There is always a chance of infection without implementing proper aftercare instructions. You must keep following the proper guidelines until it heals completely.
  • There are several risks involved, like jewelry migration and scars. You must find an experienced piercer for the procedure.

dahlia piercing and septum

dahlia bites image

men dahlia piercing

dahlia piercing cost

Procedure Of Dahlia Piercing

For every piercing procedure, you must find a professional piercer around the area. Spend time finding an experienced piercer with a good reputation. This is important to avoid any complications during and after the procedure.

As we have mentioned earlier that joker bites piercing is quite uncommon, so you may find several piercers who are unfamiliar with this piercing.

For Dahlia bites, the professional piercer will clean the corners of the mouth where he intends to make the perforations. After this, he will mark the location with a surgical pen. The marking must be précised and symmetrical.

He will use a surgical clamp to hold the lip. Then the piercer will use a 14 or 16 gauge hollow needle to make the perforation. Then the small labret stud will be used as initial jewelry.

After the dahlia bite, you will be given some aftercare instructions. It is important to stick with those instructions and guidelines to avoid any chance of infection.

Procedure (Videos)

Pain Level Of Dahlia Bites

Each individual has a different pain tolerance level.

Dahlia Piercing can reach up to level 4 out of 10 on the pain scale meter. Pain level also depends upon individual health conditions, including several other factors.

Can you do anything to reduce the pain? The answer is yes. You can go for one perforation at a time and come back later for the other perforation.

See also  Smiley Piercing

You can have painkillers with the advice of a doctor to reduce the pain.

dahlia and nostril piercing

image dahlia piercing

joker bites

dahlia piercing information

Healing Time & Aftercare

The healing time of Joker bites depends on how well you are following the aftercare instructions. You can easily reduce the healing time by following the proper guidelines.

Usually, the Joker Piercing takes 3-5 months to heal completely. Healing time mainly depends on how well you have been following the aftercare instructions.

The body becomes more sensitive after a procedure. This is why you must stick to the guidelines to reduce any chance of infection.

  • Maintain proper oral hygiene
  • Do not try to remove the initial jewelry.
  • Avoid using any cream on the piercing. This may cause a bacterial infection.
  • Always use a soft toothbrush.
  • Use salt-water or anti-bacterial mouth wash to rinse your mouth after each meal.
  • Use a cotton pad to clean it with special saline at least 3-4 times a day for the outer side. You can easily make a saline solution by mixing non-iodized sea salt with warm water.
  • Do not play with the jewelry.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and spicy food items. Alcohol works as a blood thinner, and you must avoid it during the healing time.
  • Avoid using public pools.
  • Do not use a shared spoon, cup, or even any food item.

Read About Lip Piercing Aftercare Guide

Best Aftercare Products

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There are some great products for you to take care of your piercing. Let us mention some of those.

1- Urban ReLeaf Piercing SolutionHealing Sea Salts & Tea Tree AFTERCARE

  • Safely clean, disinfect and heal your new and stretched piercings
  • 100% natural
  • Safe for all skin types

2- H2Ocean Piercing Aftercare Spray – Sea Salt Solution to clean your body & oral piercings.

  • Made with natural ingredients
  • Safe for all skin types

3- Urban ReLeaf Piercing Care – Healing Sea Salts & Botanical Aftercare

  • Effective Non-iodized. Vitamin Rich. Dead Sea Salt & Botanicals
  • Safely clean, disinfect and heal your new and stretched piercings
  • 100% natural
See also  Monroe Piercing

4- NeilMed NeilCleanse – Piercing Aftercare

  • Sterile, drug-free, and preservative-free
  • No burning or stinging
  • Portable, convenient for travel or on-the-go

Cheak Piercing Info & Aftercare (Video)

Risks involved

Does a Joker Bites look amazing? Obviously, it does. But you must know about some of the risks involved before going for a procedure.

  • Gum & Tooth Erosion: The jewelry may keep slamming against the gums and teeth, causing gum recession and tooth erosion. This is the reason you must be careful while selecting the jewelry for your dahlia bites. The size and metal matters a lot. You must select the jewelry made with hypoallergenic material.
  • Scars: You may have scars. Some temporary scars will go with time once the piercing heals. If the piercing got infected, you might have permanent scars.
  • Rejection & Migration: Your body may reject the jewelry, causing jewelry migration. Your body may totally reject the jewelry. You must be careful while selecting the jewelry. Make sure the jewelry is made with hypoallergenic material.

dahlia bites lip piercing

dahlia bites jewelry

dahlia piercing jewelry

joker bites jewelry

Best Jewelry For Dahlia Piercing

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You don’t get much room to try different types of jewelry. Generally, tiny studs look cute for your dahlia bites. You can use rings for joker bites. Mini studs or curved barbells may look more beautiful.

Experience (Videos)


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”What gauge for Dahlia Piercing during the procedure?” answer-0=”A professional piercer uses a 14 or 16 gauge hollow needle during the procedure. ” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”What should I eat after dahlia bites?” answer-1=”You must avoid alcohol, spicy food items, hot drinks, or anything that irritates the piercing. Have chilled food items. Soft food items like mashed potatoes or yogurt are good during the healing time. ” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”Why are they called Dahlia piercing?” answer-2=”The name Dahlia Piercing was named after an American woman, Black Dahlia, who was murdered in 1947. The murderer slashed the face of that woman, creating an effect known as Glasgow’s smile. ” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”Are joker bites and dahlia piercing the same?” answer-3=”Yes. They both are the same.” image-3=”” count=”4″ html=”true” css_class=””]

Joker Bites Images