Discover how long you should retain your tax records in Canada


Do you know how long you should retain your tax records in Canada? The answer may surprise you – it depends on a number of factors. Read on to discover how long you should keep your tax records so that you can be sure to stay compliant with the law.

How long you should retain your tax records in Canada

Perhaps you’ve recently stumbled upon a mysterious old shoebox stuffed with paperwork, hiding in the basement corner. You flip it open and find yourself looking at an accumulation of mortgage contracts, annual tax returns, and insurance policy documents—all dating back several years. Now the question arises: how long do you need to keep all these records? Retaining your tax records is an issue that many Canadians grapple with as they look to optimize their organizational skills while holding onto enough documents to comply with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) record-keeping requirements. Taxpayers must retain their records for a minimum period of 6 years from the fiscal tax year-end in which those expenses were paid or revenue received. If errors are expected to occur due to submitting piecemeal or incomplete data, then taxpayers may need to stash away those sensitive documents for much longer – up to 10 years – before they can be sure they have accurately filed their taxes. Deciphering the right amount of time you should hold onto your tax data can be tricky, but following CRA guidelines on how long you should keep your tax records should help bring some clarity and make staying organized a breeze!

Why it is important to keep your tax records

Properly organized and maintained tax records are essential for many reasons. They help you keep track of your income, what deductions you can claim, and even in the event a business audit takes place. But how long should you be keeping these records? This is an important question to consider when looking to maintain compliance with Canadian laws. As Canadians, we have somewhat of an obligation to adhere to our government’s tax policies – and having information on hand when requested by the CRA proves that you are taking those responsibilities seriously. It’s not just a good idea to properly organize your finances; it’s also legally required – and it’s always better if you have been taking the necessary steps all along! Knowing how long to keep tax records gives you peace of mind that will help ensure that all your documents are on file and ready when needed.

What could happen if you don’t keep your tax records

Many Canadians are unaware of how long they should keep their tax records in Canada. Keeping up to date with existing laws around this topic is essential, as not doing so could result in serious financial penalties. Failing to keep informed on the latest requirements could result in significant penalties or even criminal charges being made if taxation laws are broken. Remaining diligent with your tax records can protect you from these kinds of difficulties and ensure that you don’t experience unexpected financial consequences due to a lack of awareness of current regulations. Make sure to stay aware of the latest taxation laws and how long to keep tax records in order to be best prepared for tax filing time each year.

Tips on how to organize and store your tax records

Keeping track of your taxes can be overwhelming and time-consuming, but it’s essential to staying savvy with your finances. Having a system in place to organize and store tax documents is key to how long you should retain your records. Whether you choose to keep paper or digital records, make sure they are secure and easily accessible for the necessary amount of time should an audit arise. Generally speaking, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) recommends that you need to keep financial records and supporting documents for six years after filing them. That includes tax returns, so if you have any discrepancies or need to file overdue tax returns that’s how far back CRA can request information from you. The CRA may even ask for more years depending on the situation, so it’s best practice to create a record-keeping system that allows easy access from year-to-year. To ensure easy navigation down the line, develop an organized approach with labelled storage spaces or digital folders, making sure all documents relevant to how long you should retain your tax records are in one place.

When it is time to get rid of your tax records

Filing taxes is a necessary but often tedious task most Canadians have to grapple with annually. But the filing process doesn’t stop at the actual filing of taxes; it must extend beyond the submit button to encompass record-keeping and retention timelines. It’s important to note that, in Canada, you should keep all tax records related to a particular year even after you have filed your return that year. Depending on why you need them, different rules determine just how long you should hold onto them – so when is it time to get rid of your tax records? Generally speaking, six years is the standard amount of time you should save your respective receipts and documents associated with each tax year. This assumes though, that there are no unusual circumstances which would require more extensive record-keeping. Keep in mind that if something requires longer-term retention, then you must do so in order to remain compliant with Canadian regulations; this applies to all businesses large and small, as well as if you are self-employed or an employee of any company registered in Canada. So don’t discard those documents just yet – make sure maximum information integrity by abiding both appropriate legal requirements and best practices.

It is important to keep your tax and financial records in Canada for at least six years because the CRA can go back that far when doing an audit. If you don’t have your records, it may be difficult to prove that you paid your taxes and you could end up owing a lot of money. There are several ways to store your records, including digitally, so that they are organized and easy to find. You can get rid of old records after six years by shredding them or deleting them from your computer.