What Are the Best Ways of Describing What Happens at Swinger Parties to Non-Swingers?


Swinger parties can be fun, especially if it’s your first time swinging. That’s because you can get to meet cool people who want to hang out and interact with you and maybe even have fun once they get to know you better. Also, you can see what swinging is all about and get rid of some preconceived notions you might have.  

What Are Swinger Parties?

When people think of swingers and the events that are specially dedicated to them, they usually imagine huge pleasure rooms with all kinds of sexual things going on simultaneously, along with various toys or gadgets used for stimulating the participants. And that’s because, over the years, mainstream media has created a distorted image of what swinging is all about and how swingers behave when they get together. So people may get the wrong idea simply because they aren’t curious enough to do the research themselves or because they don’t know where to start doing it.

For instance, swinger parties aren’t like the scenes one might have seen in moves like Eyes wide shut or Caligula. These parties are more like any other type of social gathering among friends. There’s nothing sordid about them. Yes, there might be a lot more engagement between the people there, but that’s only if all the parties involved are Ok with it. There’s no picking somebody out of a line-up and just taking that person to a back room to spend the night with. One could think about these parties as college dorm parties. A lot of people are there to meet other people, have a few drinks, and possibly find somebody to have fun with later in the evening. But that’s about it. Sure, things can occasionally get a bit more hardcore, but that is a choice that all parties involved have to agree with.

Swinger Parties Usually Take Place in Special Venues 

Although for many, these “special venues” may be equal to some secret hideout or lair that is only known to the swinger community. Unfortunately, the truth is somewhat more boring than that. These parties usually take place at special swinger clubs. And, although these clubs will usually have a strict “members only” policy or an invite-only rule, these are precisely what they sound like – clubs. You can usually find a bar, lounging areas, and seating; they may even serve some food. What is truly different at these clubs is that they will have special rooms designed for people to use when things become too hot for the common areas. These rooms will usually have a bed and a shower. Sure, some clubs may have other facilities partygoers can use, such as saunas, hot tubs, or specially equipped rooms for the ones that like things a bit more daring. But that depends on the club and the party they are hosting.

Can Anyone Attend One of These Parties?

Well, clubs do have some strict rules when it comes to the people that can attend these parties. You usually have to be either a regular of the club or be invited by one of the regulars. Some clubs may let you in if you pay a tax, which usually applies to single men. This is done to keep out those who want to take advantage of the people inside the club. So generally speaking, you could attend such a party, depending on the club’s rules.

How to Explain to Someone What Swinger Parties Are?

Talking to people outside the community about swinger parties can be tricky. That’s because some have preconceived ideas about what swinging is and what swingers do. So it might be challenging to get them to change their mind. But you can try by simply taking them to one of these parties. Clubs usually allow you to bring somebody from outside the community to such a party if you vouch for them and if they abide by the club’s rules. This way, you won’t waste time with lengthy explanations and answering uncomfortable questions. Also, they can get a first-hand impression of what is going on in these clubs. There’s no need to interact with anybody there the first time they go, but it would be helpful if they tried to engage with other people and try to get to know things about them and the community.

Another way you can explain to somebody outside the swinger community what happens at swinger parties is to show them various sites and blogs online aimed at the swinger community and those curious about it. This way, they can get a general idea about these types of parties and how they help the community stay together. Also, they can find people from that community to hang out with and ask them any other questions they might have. The people behind such platforms are usually very helpful and eager to help anyone wanting to know more about swinging and swingers. There is a load of information on these sites, including popular clubs or other hangout spots, members in certain areas, and what one can and cannot do when trying to swing for the first time.

What Rules Should One Know the First Time Swinging?

Swinging, like any other social interaction, has rules anyone should know. One of the rules that anybody that is first time swinging is always to make sure that you ask for consent and that the other people involved know what is going on. Swinging has several levels, depending on what each person is looking for. Some may want to have a friendly conversation with somebody other than their partner while occasionally hugging or touching the arm of the person they are talking to. Others might be more into snuggling, while others may want something even more. That’s all fine, but ensure everybody involved is on the same wavelength. That means making sure that your interests are lined up. Otherwise, you can spoil the fun for everybody and even get in trouble.

Another crucial rule for anybody that is first time swinging is to always communicate with your partner before doing anything. Communication is key in any relationship. But it is even more important when discussing couples wanting to try swinging. That’s because partners should lay down a few ground rules and talk about what they are ok with doing and what they are not. This way, uncomfortable situations are avoided, and everybody can enjoy the evening. Also, talking with your partner while it is very important. Once at a party or a club, you don’t just leave your partner for the first person that sparks your interest. The whole point of swinging as a couple is that everybody has to have fun. That’s why it is crucial to engage with others but also with your partner.

How Can I Convince Somebody to Swing?

The decision to try the swinger lifestyle isn’t something one can sell to another person, and that’s because it involves a sense of curiosity and safety. So it can be hard to “talk somebody into it.” What one could do is try and explain what swinging is, provide their partner with the information, and have a discussion about it. But the choice should be made by both parties.