How to Arrange a Convenient Weekend Outside the City

How to Arrange a Convenient Weekend Outside the City

Achievements of technological progress have become an integral part of our lives, and therefore the idea of ​​spending a couple of days in the open air without Wi-Fi and the usual things already seems unrealistic. 

We are frightened by the lack of comfort that has become a necessity. The opportunity to take a bath in hot water, meet the morning in a soft bathrobe under the alluring aroma of the coffee, play your favorite Zodiac Casino games, recharge mobile devices, and get a good night’s sleep – without all this, the trip loses all romance and attractiveness.

Can Camping Be Comfortable?

The very idea of ​​a trip to nature for recreation implies that travelers get to the place of overnight stay by car. Since there is no need to carry a load on yourself, you can take with you not only the most necessary things but also a lot of pleasant little items that can make your vacation enjoyable.

Of course, you will spend the nights not in the open air, but in a camping tent. And spending time in nature can be just as comfortable as staying in your fully furnished city apartment. Consider the most interesting solutions that will make your vacation really enjoyable and memorable.

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Quality Sleep Is the Key to a Good Vacation

We spend energy all week and restore it only on weekends or vacations. To deprive yourself of the pleasure of getting enough sleep in nature would be at least illogical. These items will help you to fully relax: 

  • a comfortable wide sleeping bag, 
  • a self-inflating rug for a sleeping bag, 
  • an inflatable mattress bed, 
  • camping furniture, 
  • and armchairs.

How to Provide a Daily Diet?

Modern urban residents are closely monitoring nutrition. In outdoor conditions, you should not change the usual diet. If you associate trips out of town with dishes on the grill, take a convenient charcoal grill with you. So, you can treat yourself and your companions to meat, fish, and vegetables on the coals and even cook mulled wine.

Hiking conditions involve not only harsh pots and cooking over a fire. Modern travelers are increasingly taking small gas burners with them, allowing them to cook any meal for one or a company. This is a great way out if you don’t want to build a fire for cooking, or if you’re staying in a protected area where it’s illegal to make open fires.

How to Replace the Usual Furniture?

Spending an evening by the fire, sitting on a log or on the bare ground sounds like a romantic adventure. However, such a pastime refers more to youth extremes than to a comfortable stay. Camping folding chairs and armchairs are designed to provide your convenience. Take a table with you for joint meals and evening gatherings.

How to Provide Site Lighting?

For a comfortable outdoor recreation, you need lighting. You can choose from models of headlamps or stationary universal lamps that are hung from the awning of the tent or placed on the table. If you go to nature for 5-7 days and take LED lamps, one set of batteries is enough.

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What Utensils to Take with You?

If you’re looking for more than instant noodles on your hike, you’ll need to bring your kitchen utensils: plates, forks, knives, and spoons. For complex dishes, additional utensils are useful. For example, a grater. To save space in your luggage, give preference to models that fold into each other and have removable handles. Use small jars to store salt and spices. 

How to Charge Your Favorite Gadgets?

Electronic gadgets have become an integral part of our lives, and today we cannot imagine a comfortable stay without the opportunity to take a photo, call relatives or chat with friends on social networks.

To avoid unnecessary problems, you can take a solar panel with you. It is suitable for recharging smartphones, photo and video cameras, flashlights, and other electronic gadgets. Choose high power models: compact travel options will not allow you to charge your devices fast enough.

How Not to Be Left without Fresh Water?

If the camping site is located near the settlement, you can drive there for water. If the place to spend the night is located in a deep forest, far from civilization, you need to take care of the availability of fresh water in advance. In order not to lack it, it is worth purchasing enough water. This aspect is really crucial since people sometimes forget that they are going to use potable water even to wash their face in the morning. So, making sure that there will be no problem with a lack of water, buy more than you usually need for only drinking and cooking.

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Hopefully, these recommendations will come in handy, and you will be able to arrange a really comfortable and relaxing pastime outside the city.